
Underst和ing 事件管理: Your Cyber Safety Net

Underst和ing 事件管理: Your Cyber Safety Net

The importance of safeguarding your organisation’s assets, 品牌, 和 reputation against cyber threats cannot be overstated, 和 so goes the saying “prevention is always cheaper than the cure”, but what about when the worst has already happened?

这个月我们关注的是事件响应(Incident Response),通常简称为IR,属于 事件管理. 我们正在深入研究IR服务, 和 why all organisations need access to IR expertise 和 support. 了解如何遏制和扑灭网络事件不可避免地造成的火灾,并采取切实可行的策略来加强您组织的网络安全网.


事件响应是一种结构化的方法,用于处理和管理网络攻击或数据泄露的直接后果. The incident response process often involves various stages including detection, 容器, 根除, 修复, 复苏, 吸取教训.

10 Steps to Cyber Security: 事件管理
乔纳森希望, Senior Technology Evangelist at Sophos, 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台“网络安全十步骤”系列,深入了解事故管理,以及机构如何更好地为网络事故做好准备.

Incident Response Retainers: Are They Really Necessary?

事件响应保留服务为机构提供主动支持和专业知识,以有效处理网络事件. 这些保留服务为组织提供了一个专门的网络安全专业团队,他们可以在需要时快速响应事件. These experts conduct forensic investigations, 妥协的评估, 和 other critical tasks to minimise potential damage 和 mitigate risks. 另外, they may offer guidance on h和ling fallout 和 media coverage of incidents, 确保机构保持透明度,并有效管理公众的看法.

虽然事件响应保留程序最初可能看起来像是增加了本已紧张的预算负担的额外费用, 它们的价值怎么强调都不为过. 事实上, 投资于事件响应保留服务可以潜在地节省组织在网络攻击后产生的惊人成本.

The reality is that cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated 和 pervasive, 让它不再是如果的问题, 但是,当, an organisation will face a cyber incident. 当此类事件发生时,财务和声誉后果可能是毁灭性的. From the costs associated with downtime, 数据丢失, 和 复苏 efforts to the damage inflicted on 品牌 reputation 和 customer trust, the fallout of a cyber-attack can be significant.

此外,正如我们在 Reducing Your Cyber Insurance Premiums blog, 配备事件响应保留人员还可以向网络保险提供商证明,该组织正在采取主动措施来管理和减轻网络风险, potentially leading to reduced insurance premiums. 在本质上, incident response retainers serve as a crucial safety net, offering peace of mind 和 financial protection in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Fail to Prepare; Prepare to Fail

现实世界的事件令人心酸地提醒我们,强大的事件响应能力至关重要. Take, for instance, the notorious NotPetya cyber-attack on Maersk in 2017. 详情见The Daily Swig, 这一事件凸显了在减轻网络威胁影响方面,韧性和准备的必要性.

此外, 来自Ship Technology的见解揭示了马士基网络攻击暴露的漏洞. Futurenautics的一项研究显示,当时44%的船舶运营商不相信他们公司的网络安全防御能力足以抵御网络攻击, 和 that 39% had experienced a cyber-attack in the last 12 months. 这些发现强调,准备不足的行业迫切需要加强其网络安全态势,并适应不断变化的威胁形势.

It was not just the maritime industry that demonstrated the need for industry-wide, 事件响应准备. In the same year as the Maersk incident, 臭名昭著的“想哭”勒索软件攻击给世界各地的许多组织造成了严重破坏, particularly the National Health Service (NHS). The WannaCry attack exploited vulnerabilities in outdated software systems, leading to widespread disruption of NHS services, 包括取消的约会, 推迟了手术, 也损害了病人的护理. According to a “Lessons Learned” report by NHS Engl和 following the incident, The attack led to the disruption of services in one third of hospital trusts in Engl和, 236个信托中有80个受影响.


It’s not just specific industries that are underprepared, as research found that 73% of surveyed organisations across the U.S., EMEA 和 APAC countries suffered a ransomware attack in 2022, with 38% being attacked more than once. (来源:美通社).

Facing a rapidly changing threat l和scape; Ransomware attacks becoming more advanced 和 frequent, the emergence of AI in cyber attacks, geo-political tensions 和 increasing concerns about threats to national infrastructure, 所有行业的组织都必须采取积极主动的措施来提高他们的事件响应能力. 这类活动 红色的合作渗透测试 为机构提供宝贵的机会,通过模拟场景测试和完善其事件响应程序, ensuring readiness to effectively mitigate cyber attacks.

Leveraging specialised incident response services, 从Sophos这样的供应商那里, 能否为机构提供专家指引及支援,协助处理网络事故. By investing in comprehensive incident response solutions, regularly revising incident response plans, 和 actively participating in training 和 exercises, 企业可以增强抵御网络威胁的能力,并将安全事件的潜在影响降至最低.

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CyberLab是一家专业的网络安全公司,提供广泛的安全解决方案和服务. Your one-stop cyber security advisor, the CyberLab team is equipped with the right technology, 知识, 和 expertise to help businesses of all sizes, including large public sector organisations.By leveraging world-class technology, 数十年的经验, 以及我们的供应商伙伴关系, we have helped to secure thous和s of organisations across the UK. 我们独特的探测, 保护, 支持方式使我们成为审查和加强您的网络安全防御的完美合作伙伴.  CyberLab团队自豪地帮助保护了1000多家英国蓝筹企业, 政府部门, 还有家喻户晓的名字.我们帮助各种形式和规模的组织改善其网络安全:“在CyberLab的持续支持下,我们能够确保我们的解决方案始终符合目的.——安德鲁·卓别林, IT基础设施, Spicerhaart说:“在担任IT主管之前,我们的客户在TrustPilot CyberLab上对我们的评价是优秀的, I had no hesitation in engaging them again to assist us with our security needs. Simply, I wouldn’t use them if they didn’t consistently deliver value.” - Head of IT, NHS Trust “CyberLab are always there to help. 能够拿起电话或电子邮件,并有一个专门的客户经理,他总是在那里提供帮助,为我们提供卓越的价值.——西蒙·霍布德尔, 技术组长, 白金汉郡议会网络实验室, a specialist cyber security company combining Chess Cyber Security, Armadillo Sec和Cyberlab consulting自2017年收购Foursys以来, Chess has been on a journey to becoming a cyber security powerhouse. In 2021, 通过收购Armadillo Sec, 15名英国顶级渗透测试专家澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了该公司. In 2023, Chess acquired Cyberlab Consulting, 提供一系列合规和托管安全服务的专业网络安全咨询公司, including a cyber security as a service (CSaaS) platform.2023年5月, Chess Cyber Security became independent from Chess ICT, 将我们所有的网络安全业务纳入赛博实验室旗下,赛博实验室是一家专业的网络安全公司,与国际象棋网络安全公司合并, Armadillo Sec 和 Cyberlab Consulting into one entity, providing a one-stop shop for all UK business Security needs.


CyberLab是一家专业的网络安全公司,提供广泛的安全解决方案和服务. Your one-stop cyber security advisor, the CyberLab team is equipped with the right technology, 知识, 和 expertise to help businesses of all sizes, including large public sector organisations.By leveraging world-class technology, 数十年的经验, 以及我们的供应商伙伴关系, we have helped to secure thous和s of organisations across the UK. 我们独特的探测, 保护, 支持方式使我们成为审查和加强您的网络安全防御的完美合作伙伴.  CyberLab团队自豪地帮助保护了1000多家英国蓝筹企业, 政府部门, 还有家喻户晓的名字.我们帮助各种形式和规模的组织改善其网络安全:“在CyberLab的持续支持下,我们能够确保我们的解决方案始终符合目的.——安德鲁·卓别林, IT基础设施, Spicerhaart说:“在担任IT主管之前,我们的客户在TrustPilot CyberLab上对我们的评价是优秀的, I had no hesitation in engaging them again to assist us with our security needs. Simply, I wouldn’t use them if they didn’t consistently deliver value.” - Head of IT, NHS Trust “CyberLab are always there to help. 能够拿起电话或电子邮件,并有一个专门的客户经理,他总是在那里提供帮助,为我们提供卓越的价值.——西蒙·霍布德尔, 技术组长, 白金汉郡议会网络实验室, a specialist cyber security company combining Chess Cyber Security, Armadillo Sec和Cyberlab consulting自2017年收购Foursys以来, Chess has been on a journey to becoming a cyber security powerhouse. In 2021, 通过收购Armadillo Sec, 15名英国顶级渗透测试专家澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了该公司. In 2023, Chess acquired Cyberlab Consulting, 提供一系列合规和托管安全服务的专业网络安全咨询公司, including a cyber security as a service (CSaaS) platform.2023年5月, Chess Cyber Security became independent from Chess ICT, 将我们所有的网络安全业务纳入赛博实验室旗下,赛博实验室是一家专业的网络安全公司,与国际象棋网络安全公司合并, Armadillo Sec 和 Cyberlab Consulting into one entity, providing a one-stop shop for all UK business Security needs.


